Random Questions II

1. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
I wanna say…11 years?

2. Did you buy Girl Scout cookies this year? If so, what variety?
Nope. No Girl Scouts around these parts.

3. Do you know how to ballroom dance?
Not really. I know the basics for a Foxtrot but that’s it. I’d love to go to classes, but social anxiety is a bitch and there’s really nobody I can take with me to make it easier. 

4. Were you a responsible child/teenager?
Well. I guess so. I never broke the rules, did my homework, never even skipped school. Didn’t drink, didn’t smoke (still don’t). But then again, I was super fucking depressed and wanted to kill myself for most of my teenage years, so…you know.

5. How many of this year’s Oscar-nominated movies did you see?
Well, I know there was the whole Moonlight business and I know a lot of people have said it’s a bloody good film, but I’m not sure I’m going to watch it. I do, however, want to see Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (got an Oscar for costume design, if I remember correctly) when it comes out on DVD in a couple of days.

6. If you’re going to have a medical procedure done, such as having blood drawn, is it easier for you to watch someone else having the procedure done or have it done yourself?
Doesn’t matter. I don’t care either way.

7. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Don’t have one.

8. Do you miss anyone right now?
All the people I don’t get to see very often.

9. Do hospitals make you queasy?
Ever since my stint on the psych ward: fucking hell, yes. 

10. At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?
Book store. Regal Rose. Cruelty free makeup. Italian supermarket.

11. Are you true to the brand names of products/items?
Nope. They only brand I religiously buy is Converse.

12. Which is more difficult: looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when he/she is telling you how he/she feels?
It’s not the eye contact at all. It’s what’s behind it. The feelings and the emotions and the fact that I’m so damn empathetic. 

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